Trustme Law Firm provides professional legal services to businesses and IT professionals, representation and defense in court and specializes in intellectual property protection.
Who is Trustme Law Firm?
- According to the results of 2021 the company was included in the TOP 100 law firms by legal practice ranking.
- Managing Partner of Trustme Law Firm Sergey Barbashin is in the TOP-50 list of lecturers of the Higher School of Advocacy of NAAU.
- Lawyers and attorneys of the company are always glad to help in solving your issue and are ready to clarify even the most specific moments.
- Active participants in various IT, gaming, gambling conferences and authors of hundreds of expert articles for AIN, DOU,
The Trustme Law Firm team is ready to share their experience and help with questions:
Intellectual property (TM and brand protection, patents and technology, copyright)
Internet protection (counterfeit removal, domain disputes, blocking ads, advertisements, posts or accounts)
Business support (contractual work, tax and migration issues, business start-up and structuring)
Court cases (court representation, mediation, and amicable settlements, claims work)
At the Cluster, Trustme Law Firm looks forward to being part of a friendly team together with whom we can achieve our goals and make solving all matters an easy and fun process.
Find out more about Trustme Law Firm and discover a trustworthy partner!